Training Delivery Options
Consumer Goods and Retail Training Delivery Options Available
Our retail training is delivered on demand and online.
Clients have a choice of training delivery options:
Individuals can buy a class for their own training need. They are self-paced e-learning classes using ready to go products.
For corporate clients training groups of people, collaborative learning, sometimes referred to as cohort learning, can be added.
Cohort learning includes periodic live instructor web sessions to give corporate clients the benefit of live interaction with a subject matter expert. You can learn more about this option in the Web Based Group Tutorials Section.
Both individuals and companies can access their classes using Martec’s Learning Management System operated on the Upskill People cloud service. Company branded options are available for corporations.
Alternatively, classes can be installed on the company’s own learning management system or corporate university under a corporate licence.
Where a wider curriculum is needed including people management training classes, selling age restricted products, ladder safety, and the like, companies can also licence the relevant Upskill People classes.
In most cases, our classes will meet client needs without customization. There are, however, several ways we can customize our classes if required, ranging from including specific downloadable resources, writing additional e-learning content, or building customized pages in the Retail and Consumer Goods Industry WIKI.
We have several ways of addressing learning reinforcement including practice exercise sessions and exercises where the learner can submit their answer to us for review and feedback. Sometimes we run live instructor webinar sessions to refresh key topics and to practice key skills using quite advanced exercises.