Industry Resources

The Martec Minute

The Martec Minute is a series of weekly short articles which provide insights into issues facing the retail and consumer goods industry.  You can read the key points in a couple of minutes.  You can review the existing articles to determine their value to you. 

If you wish to register to receive these by email, please go to Contact Us and complete the form ticking the Martec Minute box.  If you only check the Martec Minute box, you will not receive additional marketing emails from us, unless you are already in our marketing database.  You can unsubscribe from the Martec Minute mailings, or our general marketing emails at any time.  All our emails contain an unsubscribe link, except those related to existing customer services or projects.  

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White Papers

More detailed white papers on specific topics of detail.  Again these give a good idea of the quality of our content and are valuable in their own right.

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Martec Downloadable Documents

These include individual brochures, user guides to our products and a downloadable Martec product catalogue.

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How To Get a Job Role

Articles on how to get different job roles within the retail industry.

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