Quadrant Analysis Tool
This step in the learning path is available within the Retail and Consumer Goods Wiki and EPSS. The Quadrant Analysis is a methodology for establishing where a company is in their systems deployment and for helping them develop their IT strategy. It also helps vendors develop their sales strategy.
There are two versions of the Quadrant Analysis available, one for Retail and one for Consumer Goods companies.
If you already have a WIKI/EPSS subscription, you can download either version from Downloadable Resources under the heading Sales.
The WIKI/EPSS subscription is included free of charge if you buy the Performance Enhancer version of any class, alternately you can purchase it seperately using the link below.
Purchase your access to the Retail and Consumer Goods Wiki and EPSS hereQuadrant Analysis
Quadrant analysis is an important concept, it helps to identify those applications that companies should be using now and considering for the future to remain competitive; in the case of vendors, it identifies those applications that have the biggest potential when selling into manufacturers.
Selling In
From a vendor‘s perspective, the opportunity to win new business in an account depends on whether they own the key platforms for the ERP and the data warehouse. If they do, they can sell most things in. If not, the easiest place to make a breakthrough into the account is based on the applications in the Strategic and Potential categories.